Friday, September 14, 2007

Wheelchair and Super 75s


Sept. 14, 2007 Vol. VI, No. 98
South Carolina Tennis 2006 Media Award Winner
Hilton Head Island SC

Seeing is Believing: Watch Wheelchair Championships Roll Into Weekend

HILTON HEAD ISLAND SC (TENNIS E-News) -- Spectators are welcome to attend free and everyone who goes is guaranteed to be awed by the athletes competing in this weekend's PTR Wheelchair Championships -- 130 players from 15 countries are competing.

Matches are scheduled at Van der Meer Shipyard Racquet Club, Evian and Chaplin Public Tennis Center (eb). For information, contact the PTR headquarters at 785-7244.

Super Seniors 75s Get Rolling, Along with 60s and 70s; Combo in Midseason Form

HILTON HEAD ISLAND SC (TENNIS E-News) -- It's official. They're on the courts and playing. Another Hilton Head Island first: Super Senior 75s. Men's 3.0 and 3.5 teams are competing in a pilot program that surely, like the 60s and 70s that began here, will end up in national championships in a couple years.

With the start of the 75s, the whole of the Super Senior season now engaged -- the 60s and 70s aiming toward late October finishes to qualify for South Carolina State Championships Nov. 8-11 on Seabrook Island.

Meanwhile, Combo is rolling through its midseason. Here are the standings as we find them from TennisLink to date:

Combo Adults -- (season end date in parentheses)

5.5 W - 4 teams (9/29) -- Spanish Wells leads at 3-1

6.5 M - 5 teams (10/20) -- Spring Lake Mis-Hits lead at 4-1

6.5 W - 8 teams (10/13) -- Indigo Go Girls lead at 3-0

7.5 M - 3 teams (10/4) -- Port Royal Hogg Doggs lead at 2-1

7.5 W - 4 teams (9/29) -- Wexford 7.5 Smash leads at 2-0

Combo Seniors - (season end date in parentheses)

6.5 W - 6 teams (9/17) -- Sun City Hot Shots lead at 4-0

7.5 M - 3 teams (9/28) -- Port Royal Hogg Doggs lead at 3-1

7.5 W - 3 teams (9/28) -- Indigo Run Hot Shots lead at 3-0

Super Senior 60s - (season end date in parentheses)

2.5 M - 4 teams (10/17) -- Sea Pines Falcons lead at 1-0

3.0 M - 18 teams (10/22) -- Sun City Dirt Ballers lead Flight I at 3-0; Sea Pines Falcons lead Flight II at 3-0

3.0 W - 11 teams (10/30) -- Moss Creek Cronies on the Creek, Palmetto Dunes Golden Girls, SCYC Sailor Girls tied at 2-0

3.5 M - 13 teams (10/31) -- 4 teams tied at 2-0

3.5 W - 11 teams (10/31) -- Dataw Dixies, Palmetto Dunes Slice Girls tied at 2-0

4.0 M - 3 teams (10/30) -- Sun City Sun Strokes lead at 2-0

4.0 W - 3 teams (10/29) -- Moss Creek Studmuffins lead at 1-0

Super Senior 70s - (season end date in parentheses)

3.0 W - 2 teams (10/10) -- Sun City Golden Girls lead at 1-0

3.5 M - 4 teams (10/18) -- Sun City Old Dudes, IR Golden Bear Claws 70s tied at 1-0

3.5 W - 1 team --

Super Senior 75s - (season end date in parentheses)

3.0 M - 6 teams - (10/17) -- Sun City Spoilers, Shipyard Beach Boys tied at 1-0

3.5 M - 2 teams -- (10/08) -- Sun City Bangers lead at 1-0

All Organizing by Email

Men's Interclub Gets First Call To Register Teams; Season Starts in Late October

HILTON HEAD ISLAND SC (TENNIS E-News) -- With Super Seniors into their season starts, the first call is out for the followup Senior Men's Interclub Tennis League that will follow in late October and early November.

League coordinator Dick Sonberg reports that there will NOT be a formal organization meeting; everything will be done by email. Teams that want to enroll must email Sonberg at The league will play through January, 2008.

The registration email deadline is Oct. 1 and must include: Name of team, site of matches, time matches commence, name of captain with email address and telephone, name of assistant captain with email address and telephone, level of play for which team is registering (2.5, 3.0, 3.5 or 4.0)

After the enrollment deadline, Sonberg will prepare schedules and email to all. Then team rosters must be submitted. No limit on number of players on the roster; all players must reach 50 years of age by Dec. 31, 2008 (not 2007). All players are bound by their USTA-designated rating. If anyone is bumped up in the new ratings issued in December, it will not affect their right to play at the old rating through this season.

Sonberg asks that all team captains notify their pros of intention to play. Any individual players wanting to get on a team also should contact the coordinator.

Junior Team Tennis Gets Ready for Fall Season

BLUFFTON SC (TENNIS E-News) -- Registration for the fall Junior Team Tennis season will open Oct. 1 for its seventh season, designed to allow competition between boys and girls ages 8-18 in Beginner (must be able to serve and keep score), Intermediate and Advanced classifications.

This fall, local juniors of all ages and levels are welcome to join teams in hope that levels other than the 18 and Under Intermediate will be filled, league coordinator Bob Brown said. Currently five teams (Bluffton Badkatz, Wexford, Beaufort, Racquet Club Villains and the Chaplin Park Landsharks) are scheduled to compete in a format that features; Boys and Girls Singles, Boys and Girls Doubles, and Mixed Doubles in an eight-game pro-set with all winning games contributing to the team total. Highest number of team games won during an eight-match season will determine the teams to advance to the State Championship.

Teams are professionally coached during practice sessions by area pros Scott Nichols, Patrick Mason and Brown, among others. USTA Membership required and an on-line team registration fee which covers practices/matches, balls, and tee shirt. The season will be mid-November through mid-January with matches played on weekends. No player needs to be available for all matches. "This is a perfect way to keep kids playing year-round, particularly JV and varsity kids looking forward to or just completing a high school season," Brown said. For more details, contact Brown at 290-2833 or visit

and go the Junior Team Tennis .

BIKER ALERT: 1st annual Ride 4 Kids Sept. 22 To Benefit Boys' & Girls' Club

HILTON HEAD ISLAND SC (TENNIS E-News) -- The HHI Boys' & Girls' Club will be beneficiary of the 1st annual Ride 4 Kids on Saturday, Sept. 22. The event is open to everyone and the only competition will be to raise money for the kids, says Bruce Simpson of Sea Pines Country Club who is a promoter of the ride.

To receive a packet with all entry information, contact Simpson at or snailmail at 9 Gull Point, Hilton Head Is. SC 29928, or call 363-2233.

TENNIS E-News FootNote


( ) Put your car keys beside your bed at night. If you hear someone trying to get into your house,

( ) just press the panic button. The alarm will sound until you turn it off or your battery dies.

(___) -- Victor Kopcewich

(p.s. -- I tried it with the keys for my '90 Corolla. Didn't work. Probably would no yours, though.)

-- Dennis Malick

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