Thursday, November 29, 2007

Teams Seek Players

For Level Coordinators Listing -- See Below -- Direct Your Questions There


Nov. 29, 2007 Vol. VI, No. 130
South Carolina Tennis 2006 Media Award Winner
Hilton Head Island SC

Teams Looking for Players for 2008 Spring Season

-- 4.0 Men's Adult in Bluffton. Contact Tim Austin at (

-- 3.5 Men's Adult singles players for Colleton River. Contact Norm Rustad (

-- 3.5 Men's Adult - Wexford. Contact Joe White (

-- 3.5 Women's Senior - Wexford. Contact Patrick Mason (686-8816).

-- 2.5 Women's Adult -- SCYacht Club. Contact Lynda Halpern (

Ratings --

What Goes Up Does NOT Necessarily Come Down; I Had a Dream: I Self-Rated as a …..

HILTON HEAD ISLAND SC (TENNIS E-News) -- Statistics can say pretty much anything, but noting that 293 HHI '07 Adult and Senior league players were bumped up and only 13 were moved down is a blatant message. And those were just the computer-rated players. Check this on those self-rated: Out of 178 total self-rates, 86 were moved up and 4 were moved down.

Bottom-feeding with the statistical sharks can make your left earlobe ache, seeing that almost 40% of Adult League players who self-rated suffer low self-image or had something else in mind. Of Seniors, just 26% were moved up from their self-assessment.

All the statistical ups and downs overshadow the fact that the big majority of players are at level and stayed there. Of 1,142 Senior Spring League players, 920 remained at the same level. Of 708 Adult League players, 534 did not change. So much of the statistical fuss is over a noisy minority (which may be a redundancy -- minority views accepted).

TENNIS E-News Has Opinions

The bottom-line sense of all this is that we're running with a far better and much more fun system than the old A, B, C "rating" in which "A" was the best in town. An "A" in Southern Cal was on the pro tour. As a Hickory NC gal once told us: "I play on our club's "A" team, but I'm a 3.5."

The ratings list is out. It takes 5 to 10 seconds to run a rating appeal. It's time now to get back to the playing fun. The ball's in our court.

How To Find Ratings -- Individual, Team, Everyone's -- Start with and, at left on the Home Page, select TennisLink, then select Leagues, then (on the right) scroll down to Find a Rating. You can key in an individual name or scroll to the Drilldown Search which will get you to a series of dropdown windows to select Championship Year (2007), Section (Southern), District (South Carolina) and Area (SC-Hilton Head Island). From there, select whether you want all players, only Women's 3.5s, etc. The "Ratings Appeals" tab is on the home page.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Senior Men' s Interclub 3.0

Standings after three weeks of play


TEAM Won Lost Courts Lost

1. Palmetto Dunes Net Cords 3 0 0

2. Shipyard Wildcats 3 0 1

3. Belfair Bashers 2 1 3

4. Wexford Hitters 2 1 4

5. Sun City Challengers 2 1 4

6.Sun City Strokers 1 2 5

7. Callawassie Island 1 2 6

8. Moss Creek Tornadoes 1 2 6

9. Sea Pines Sand Gnats 1 2 6

10. South Beach Curmudgeons 1 2 6

11. Sun City Lob Artists 1 2 7

12. Indigo Run Mavericks 0 3 6


TEAM Won Lost Courts Lost

1. Sun City Dirt Ballers 3 0 0

2. Sea Pines Cardinals 3 0 1

3. Sun City Slickeers 2 1 3

4. Long Cove Runners 2 1 5

5. Spring Lake Lakers 2 1 5

6. Moss Creek Hurricanes 1 2 4

7. CC of HH Hustlers 1 2 5

8. Hampton Hall Hawks 1 2 5

9. Sun City Spoilers 1 2 5

10 Shipyard Rockets 1 2 6

11. Port Royal Beach Bums 1 2 7

12. CC of HH Wildmen 0 3 8

Senior Men's Interclub 3.5

Results from 11/28/07 as received so far

Flight A

Indigo Run 2, Sea Pines 1

Moss Creek 2, Sun City Critical Hits 1

Country Club of HH 2, Sun City Aces 1

Spring Lake Lakers 2, South Beach 1

Flight B

Spring Lake Mis-Hits 3, Sun City Funatics 0

SCYC 2, Wexford 1

Sun City Nationals 2, Port Royal 1

Dataw 3, Belfair 0

Flight A Standings Matches Courts

Club won lost won lost

Indigo Run 2 0 4 2

Spring Lake Lakers 2 0 4 2

Sea Pines 1 1 4 2

Sun City Aces 1 1 4 2

Moss Creek 1 1 3 3

Country Club of HH 1 1 3 3

South Beach 0 2 1 5

Sun City Critical Hits 0 2 1 5

Flight B Standings Matches Courts

Club won lost won lost

Spring Lake Mis-Hits 3 0 9 0

Sun City Nationals 2 0 4 2

Long Cove 1 0 3 0

Sun City Spin Doctors 1 0 2 1

Port Royal 2 1 6 3

SCYacht 2 1 5 4

Dataw 1 1 4 2

Belfair 0 3 1 8

Wexford 0 3 1 8

Sun City Funatics 0 3 1 8

Senior Men's Interclub 4.0

Results of 11/27/07

Indigo Run 2, Sun City Sun Strokes 1

Net Gnats 2, Wexford 1
Port Royal 3, Long Cove 0

Standings thru 11/27/07
Port Royal 3-0
Sun City Sun Strokes 2-1
Indigo Run 2-1
Long Cove 1-2
Sun City Net Gnats 1-2
Wexford 0-3

Melrose Tennis Center Wins National Facilities Award

HILTON HEAD ISLAND SC (TENNIS E-News) -- The Melrose Tennis Center at the Daufuskie Island Resort and Breathe Spa has received a USTA Outstanding Facilities Award -- one of 18 cited nationally for excellence in the construction and/or renovation of public and private tennis facilities in the 26th annual USTA Facility Awards Program. Five of the sites are in the Southern Section, including one in Columbia.

The Melrose Center was honored in the Public Courts - Small Tennis Centers division.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

For team captains submitting pre-registration forms, here are the USTA League Level Coordinators for the 2008 Season:

Senior Level Senior

Men Coordinator Women Level Coordinator

2.5 Sue Cook Sue Cook

3.0 Don Grider Mary Ellen Arboe

3.5 Don Grider Ann Hunt

4.0 Don Grider Ann Hunt

4.5 Jackie Reynecke Jackie Reynecke

Adult Level Adult

Men Coordinator Women Level Coordinator

2.5 Sue Cook Sue Cook

3.0 Sue Cook Joanne Dugle

3.5 Sue Cook Julie Child

4.0 Julie Child Joanne Dugle

4.5 Jackie Reynecke Jackie Reynecke

5.0 Jackie Reynecke Jackie Reynecke

Contact Key -- Jackie Reynecke, Local League Coordinator 785-1151, ext. 222

Mary Ellen Arboe 785-2311

Julie Child 342-7015

Sue Cook 785-2332

Joanne Dugle 842-3544

Don Grider 681-4551

Ann Hunt 342-3327

TENNIS E-News FootNote

ooooO New Words

( ) The definition: An extremely large house, similar to other houses in the area, with the primary

( ) distinguishing characteristic being an oversized three- or four-car garage.

(___) The word(s): Garage Mahal

-- Dennis Malick

Monday, November 26, 2007

Ratings Are Out

"If you wish to appeal, it takes about 5 seconds to do. There is a button to click on that says 'appeal'. It is done entirely mathematically, so crying and begging won't make a difference!" -- A level coordinator speaks


Nov. 26, 2007 Vol. VI, No. 129
South Carolina Tennis 2006 Media Award Winner
Hilton Head Island SC

Ratings Are Out

Appeal Procedure & '08 Team Pre-registration Form Are Attachments to This Issue

HILTON HEAD ISLAND SC (TENNIS E-News) -- Yep. They are out. The appeals lines must be burning. Not to worry. You have until the day of your first 2008 USTA League match to get to your desired level … if you can get there. The appeal procedure is an attachment to this issue as taken from home page.

The ratings will run your entire '08 tennis life. What they won't do is have any effect on the current Senior Men's Interclub play. Not applicable, even though the season goes into 2008. Likewise, Super Senior players advancing to Southern Sectionals in March and Nationals in April will compete at the level they won the championships on Seabrook Island this month.

REPEATING ONCE MORE: The much-talked-about benchmark no-appeal rule does not go into effect until the May '08 South Carolina State Championships. If you are a benchmark, you can appeal your rating. (A benchmark being any player who advanced to state, section or national championships).

Which gets us back to the 2008 season and team pre-registrations that are going on now. Captains have about 10 days to submit a completed team pre-registration form -- a form that simply enters the team, its captain and co-captain, site, etc. If you don't have a pre-reg form, one is attached to this issue.

Meeting for Pros, Facility Managers: Local League Coordinator Jackie Reynecke will be calling a meeting of pros, managers or any individual responsible for working with and scheduling teams at their facilities for USTA Spring league. "It is our hope that this type of meeting will help facilities better understand how scheduling is done on our end and to work out any scheduling problems before Spring season begins," she said. All attendees at the TBA meeting should bring any pertinent information relating to number of teams at their facilities, blackout dates, time of home matches, etc.

In addition, two captains meetings will be scheduled for early January -- date TBA -- most likely one mid-afternoon followed by another one late afternoon after work.

How To Find Ratings -- Individual, Team, Everyone's -- Best to start with and, at left on the Home Page, select TennisLink, then select Leagues, then (on the right) scroll down to Find a Rating. You can key in an individual name or scroll to the Drilldown Search which will get you to a series of dropdown windows to select Championship Year (2007), Section (Southern), District (South Carolina) and Area (SC-Hilton Head Island). From there, select whether you want all players, only Women's 3.5s, etc. OR, you could call your captain and ask.

For team captains submitting pre-registration forms, here are our USTA League Level Coordinators for the 2008 Season (the form attached is a generic for any level):

Senior Level Senior

Men Coordinator Women Level Coordinator

2.5 Sue Cook Sue Cook

3.0 Don Grider Mary Ellen Arboe

3.5 Don Grider Ann Hunt

4.0 Don Grider Ann Hunt

4.5 Jackie Reynecke Jackie Reynecke

Adult Level Adult

Men Coordinator Women Level Coordinator

2.5 Sue Cook Sue Cook

3.0 Sue Cook Joanne Dugle

3.5 Sue Cook Julie Child

4.0 Julie Child Joanne Dugle

4.5 Jackie Reynecke Jackie Reynecke

5.0 Jackie Reynecke Jackie Reynecke

Contact Key -- Jackie Reynecke, Local League Coordinator 785-1151, ext. 222

Mary Ellen Arboe 785-2311

Julie Child 342-7015

Sue Cook 785-2332

Joanne Dugle 842-3544

Don Grider 681-4551

Ann Hunt 342-3327

TENNIS E-News FootNote


( ) Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.

( )

(___) -- Internet Info

-- Dennis Malick

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Ratings Out Monday



Nov. 21, 2007 Vol. VI, No. 128
South Carolina Tennis 2006 Media Award Winner
Hilton Head Island SC

Ratings Due Out Monday

Save Your Indigestion for Next Week; Captains, Get Your Headache Tabs Ready

HILTON HEAD ISLAND SC (TENNIS E-News) -- Eat, drink and be thankful. Save the indigestion for Monday when the 2007 ratings are due out.

"Two of my players have their appeals ready," one team captain said this week, anticipating upgrades. Good luck. Things supposedly are tightening on the appeal situation this time around. Stay tuned Monday. That tightening definitely will come next year, with the ruling that benchmark players who are bumped will have to wait a year to appeal.

(Who is a benchmark? That's any player advancing to state, section or national championships. That ruling will apply ONLY to benchmark players who are bumped.)

But what about this year? "I have seen some preliminary ratings and there were only ratings going up, none going down," one level coordinator emailed, with emphasis on having seen just some ratings.

Meanwhile, all level coordinators are calling for 2008 captains to pre-register their teams for the Spring season. "07 captains who won't be captains in '08 should likewise notify his/her level coordinator of that. Also of importance is that captains notify coordinators of blackout dates -- the dates when a playing site cannot host a home match because of member functions, tournaments, court resurfacing, etc.

Any captain -- new or old -- unable to contact a level coordinator should email Local League Coordinator Jackie Reynecke at

Adult Team Tennis Stays in Line with Jokers and Nap-sters in the Lead

HILTON HEAD ISLAND SC (TENNIS E-News) -- The Jokers and Nap-sters continue to lead the USA Adult Team Tennis standings as everyone takes a turkey break. Jack's Joker's have compiled 109 games won, while losing 62 and the L.C. Nap-sters are 105/76.

Breathing down the necks of the two leaders are Gwen's Gators with a record of 104 games won and 81 lost.

The all-mixed-doubles league action will resume play Dec. 1, reaching midseason with four matchplay weekends remaining. The action will skip across the Christmas/New Year's break and finish Jan. 5.

3.0 Men's Interclub League

Team Standings

Flight "A" Courts

TEAM Won Lost Lost

Belfair 2 0 0

Palmetto Dunes 2 0 0

Shipyard 2 0 1

Sun City Challengers 2 0 1

Wexford 2 0 2

Moss Creek 1 1 4

Sea Pines 1 1 4

Indigo Run 0 2 4

Sun City Strokers 0 2 4

South Beach 0 2 5

Calawassie 0 2 5

Sun City Lob Artists 0 2 6

Flight "B" Courts

TEAM Won Lost Lost

Sun City Dirt Ballers 2 0 0

Sea Pines 2 0 1

Long Cove 2 0 2

Spring Lake 2 0 2

CC of HH Hustlers 1 1 2

Sun City Slickers 1 1 3

Spoilers 1 1 3

Port Royal 1 1 4

Moss Creek 0 2 4

Hampton Hall 0 2 5

CC of HH Wildmen 0 2 5

Shipyard 0 2 5

Family Circle Cup Ticket Packages Now Available for 35th Anniversary Tournament

CHARLESTON SC – Ticket packages for the 2008 Family Circle Cup are now on sale and can be obtained by calling

800-677-2293 or 843-856-7900 or going online at

The women's tour tournament, which was started on Hilton Head Island, is the only Tier I clay court event in the United States. The 2008 dates are Apr. 12 -20 at the Family Circle Tennis Center on Daniel Island as the event will be celebrating its 35th anniversary.

The Family Circle Tennis Center, a public facility owned by the City of Charleston and operated by Family

Circle Magazine, features a 10,200-seat stadium and 17 courts lighted for night play.

TENNIS E-News FootNote

ooooO CRYAGRA -- The latest breakthrough in TRUE male enhancement (not found on your spam-block site).

( ) CRYAGRA is an oral medication for the treatment of emotional dysfunction (ED). It helps most men

( ) increase their emotional sensitivity and intuition for a more successful relationship.

(___) Men: Ask your wife or girlfriend or any of your EXs if CRYAGRA is right for you.

CAUTION: Periods of emotional sensitivity lasting more than 4 hours require immediate medical attention.

-- Dennis Malick

Sunday, November 18, 2007

End of the Turkey


Nov. 18, 2007 Vol. VI, No. 127
South Carolina Tennis 2006 Media Award Winner
Hilton Head Island SC

Moms vs. Daughters?

Putting a Wrap on the Thanksgiving Turkey Tournament at Chaplin Park

HILTON HEAD ISLAND SC (TENNIS E-News) -- The last of the semis and the finals went cool turkey today at Chaplin Public Tennis Center, getting all the competitive juices settled before facing what's on the holiday platters Thursday. And was that a new category played -- a Mom/Mom - Daughter/Daughter final?

Clearly the match of the day was the Girls' 14 final that was settled in a 16-14 third-set match tiebreak, with Dana Leal coming out on top over Charlotte Loper, who won the first set 6-3. Leal came back to take the second set in a 7-4 tiebreak then win it in the marathon match tiebreak.

Not far behind in the excitement was the Women's 6.5 Combo semifinal with Kathy Haught/Julie Jilly defeating Theresa Pugh/Caroline Stoll 6-0, 2-6, 10-8. Across the net in the final, however, Moms Haught and Jilly found their daughters Clara Haught and Caitlin Jilly … which was not good news for Moms Kathy and Julie resultwise. Match to Clara and Caitlin 10-4 in the final set. And we couldn't make that up.

Here are today's complete results:

Men's 3.0 Singles -- Final -- Michael Vaccaro def. William Crabtree 7-5; 6-1

Men's 3.5 Singles -- Final -- Brad Ungvarsky def. Thorsten Brockmann 6-4; 6-2

Men's Open Singles -- Final -- Alberto Manetti def. Joseph Macdermant 6-3; 6-4

Boys' 12 Singles -- Semifinal -- Roman Battistelli def. Mitchell Brockmann 6-2, 6-2; Final -- Battistelli def. Robert Stockfisch 6-0; 6-1

Girls' 14 Singles -- Semifinal -- Dana Leal def. Valerie Droop 2-6; 6-3; 11-9; Final -- Leal def. Charlotte Loper 3-6; 7-6(7-4); 16-14

Women's 3.0 Singles -- Final -- Anneliza Itkor def. Connie Chang 6-2; 6-3

Women's 3.5 Singles -- Round Robin -- Galvin, Heather def. Montgomery, Elysa 6-0; 6-0; Stockfisch, Carmen def. Montgomery, Elysa 6-0; 6-2; Galvin def. Stockfisch 6-0; 6-1

Mixed 6.0 Combo Doubles -- Final -- Heather Galvin / Greg Galvin def. Gloria Taylor / David Weser 6-0; 6-2

Women's 6.0 Combo Doubles -- Final -- Aloie DeLoach / Anneliza Itkor def. Connie Chang / Sara Scarritt 7-5; 7-5

Women's 6.5 Combo Doubles -- Semifinals -- Clara Haught / Caitlin Jilly def. Penny Rucko / Bunny Wardlaw 3-6; 7-6 (7-4); 10-3; Kathy Haught / Julie Jilly def. Theresa Pugh / Caroline Stoll 6-0; 2-6; 10-8; Final -- Clara Haught / Caitlin Jilly def. Kathy Haught / Julie Jilly 7-6; 10-4

Men's 6.0 Combo Doubles -- Final -- Jack Abernathy / Robert Stockfisch def. William Crabtree / Pete Nardi 6-1; 6-2

Men's 7.0 Combo Doubles -- Final -- Kris Morella / Brad Ungvarsky def. Curtis Battistelli / Tim Ryan 7-5; 6-4

Parent/Child Doubles -- Final -- Holli Selman / Aaron Selman def. Curtis Battistelli / Roman Battistelli 6-4; 6-2

CCHH Tiebreakers Get Wildcard Bid for Super Senior Sectionals

HILTON HEAD ISLAND SC (TENNIS E-News) -- Add another team from Hilton Head Island for Southern Sectionals in late March. The Country Club of Hilton Head Tiebreakers that placed second in South Carolina State Championships last weekend have received a wildcard entry into the 3.0 Women's 60 division.

Carolyn Brookmeyer is captain of the team that will be going to Columbus GA Mar. 28-30. Nine states will be competing in the Southern Championships. One wildcard is added to most rating divisions in order to provide two five-team groups. Teams play a round robin in group and the two group winners square off in the finals.

TENNIS E-News FootNote

ooooO Cartoon punch lines from Funny Times:

( ) "S.A.T. High School … Home of the Fighting #2 Pencils"

( ) "New: Genetically altered onions that make you laugh"

(___) "For the holidays:

16-piece Toy Packaging Opener Set. Includes pry bar, wirecutters, saw, tiny explosives & More"

-- Dennis Malick

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Turkey Tennis Day One

There Are More Than 1,000 of You; Too Bad Some Are on AOL … see below


Nov. 17, 2007 Vol. VI, No. 126
South Carolina Tennis 2006 Media Award Winner
Hilton Head Island SC

Remaining Semis and Finals Sunday

Sunshine Heats Up Action in Thanksgiving Tournament at Chaplin Park

HILTON HEAD ISLAND SC (TENNIS E-News) -- It was a tad cool on those early morning courts today at Chaplin Public Tennis Center, but on court the action got hot quickly in the annual Thanksgiving Tennis Tournament that's playing a week earlier this year. This year the tournament THEN the turkey.

Under Tournament Director Cameron Everett, the singles and doubles will complete semifinals early Sunday and jump right into finals. Of special interest will be the Parent/Child "fun" division that pits a varied spectrum of hits and misses, but provides an enjoyable recreational experience for all.

Here are Saturday's results:

Men's 3.0 Singles -- Quarterfinals -- Crabtree, William def. Caggiano, Andrew Def (late); Vaccaro, Michael def. Stockfisch, Robert Wo (tae); Semifinals -- Crabtree def. Legger, Stephen 6-3; 6-4; Vaccaro def. Galvin, Greg 6-2; 6-2

Men's 3.5 Singles -- Semifinals -- Brockmann, Thorsten def. Ryan, Timothy 6-1; 6-1; Ungvarsky, Brad def. Heise, Robert 6-2; 6-2

Boys' 12 Singles -- Quarterfinals -- Brockmann, Mitchell def. Gavin III, J. Robert 6-0; 6-0; Semifinals -- Stockfisch, Robert def. McMaloy, Sean 6-1; 6-1

Girls' 14 Singles -- Quarterfinals -- Leal, Dana def. Kobleur, Addison 7-6(7-3); 6-3; Loper, Charlotte def. De Boer, Jaclyn 7-5; 4-6; 10-6; Semifinals -- Loper def. Stockfisch, Marilyn 6-0; 6-0

Women's 3.0 Singles -- Quarterfinals -- Itkor, Anneliza def. Grymes, Kathy 7-5; 6-2; Evans, Linda def. Vaccaro, Lauren 6-0; 6-1; Chang, Connie def. Kobleur, Gena 6-4; 6-1; Semifinals -- Itkor def. Evans, Linda 6-4; 6-2; Chang def. Fuge, Carri 6-3; 6-1

Women's 3.5 Singles -- Round Robin -- Galvin, Heather def. Montgomery, Elysa 6-0; 6-0; Stockfisch, Carmen def. Montgomery, Elysa 6-0; 6-2; Galvin def. Stockfisch 6-0; 6-1

Mixed 6.0 Combo Doubles -- Quarterfinals -- Galvin, Heather / Galvin, Greg def. Vaccaro, Michael / Vaccaro, Lauren 6-4; 6-1; Taylor, Gloria / Weser, David def. Arnold, Michelle / Blohm, Robert 6-2; 6-0; Hudkins, Gary / Hudkins, Jeannie def. Carmines, Mindy / Carmines, Stephen 6-0; 4-6; 10-8; Abernathy, Jack / Abernathy, Amy def. Nardi, Pete / Parsons, Valerie 7-6; 4-6; 10-8; Semifinals -- Galvin / Galvin def. Abernathy / Abernathy 6-3; 7-5; Taylor / Weser def. Hudkins / Hudkins 0-6; 6-2; 10-4

Women's 5.0 Combo Doubles -- Round Robin -- Gajdalo, Jennifer / Iannuzzi, Janet def. Halpern, Lynda / Ludvigsen, Gwen 3-6; 6-4; 11-8; Gajdalo / Iannuzzi def. Arnold, Michelle / Faraci, Cheryl 6-0; 6-0

Women's 6.0 Combo Doubles -- Quarterfinals -- Chang, Connie / Scarritt, Sara def. Foulke, Kathleen / Schilling, Gale Stevens 6-0; 6-4; Semifinals -- Chang / Scarritt def. Grymes, Kathy / Ramsey, Susan 3-6; 6-2; 10-6; DeLoach, Aloie / Itkor, Anneliza def. Perkins, Laura / Rucko, Penny 7-5; 6-1

Women's 6.5 Combo Doubles -- Quarterfinals -- Haught, Clara / Caitlin, Jilly def. Abernathy, Amy / Parsons, Valerie 6-2; 6-1; Pugh, Theresa / Stoll, Caroline def. Kobleur, Gena / Stockfisch, Carmen 6-3; 6-1

Men's 7.0 Combo Doubles -- Quarterfinals -- Lacey, Robert / Oates, Kerry def. Heise, Robert / Ruckno, George Def (ns); Semifinals -- Morrelli, Chris / Brad, Ungvarsky def. Dockum, David / Gannon, Chris 6-3; 6-3; Battistelli, Curtis / Ryan, Timothy def. Lacey / Oates 6-4; 6-4

Parent/Child Doubles -- Quarterfinals -- Battistelli, Curtis / Battistelli, Roman def. Gavin III, J. Robert / Gavin Jr., J. Robert 6-0; 6-1; Jilly, Julie / Jilly, Caitlin def. Carmines, Mindy / McGuire, Emily 6-1; 6-1; Selman, Holli / Aaron, Selman def. Brockmann, Thorsten / Brockmann, Mitchell 6-1; 6-0; Semifinals -- Battistelli / Battistelli def. Droop, Samantha / Gertlmann, Stephanie (1) 6-2; 6-1; Selman / Selman def. Jilly / Jilly 6-0; 6-2

Junior Team Tennis Completes Week One of Fall Season

(TENNIS E-News via ace correspondent Bob Brown) -- Four matches were played during the Junior Team Tennis inaugural weekend including those in two new divisions: 12 and Under Beginners and 14 and Under Intermediate.

Home team Bluffton BadKatz beat the Wexford Warriors 37-26 in the 14s Division; home team Beaufort Jazz beat Chaplin Red Devils 33-29 in the 18s Division; home team Wexford Warriors lost to Racquet Club Villains 33-20 in the 14s Division; home team Racquet Club Villains lost to the Wexford Warriors 39-18 in the 12s Division.

Next matches scheduled: Chaplin Red Devils home (18s) v. Racquet Club Villains at 5:30 p.m. Nov. 29; Beaufort Jazz (14s) home v. Wexford Warriors at 2 p.m. Nov. 25; Wexford Warriors at home v. the Dolphins at 4 p.m. Nov. 30.

Beaufort’s home matches are played at the municipal facility in downtown Beaufort. Home matches for the Villains are played at Hilton Head Island Middle School and the Bluffton Badkatz play at Bluffton High School. The public is welcome to attend free of charge. More than 150 local children are registered for league play, which culminates in winner’s appearance at State Championship in Sumter in the summer. This USTA League is sponsored by Scot Nichols of Weichert Realty and Players World of Sport and administered by Public Tennis Inc. (PTI).

Gonna Try AOL One More Time

TENNIS E-News Counts on You Always, But Doesn't Often Count You

HILTON HEAD ISLAND SC (TENNIS E-News) -- The number of "subscribers" to TENNIS E-News has topped 1,000 -- reaching 1,004 to be exact. That represents a significant increase over our last accounting -- about 100 more than a year ago. While the overall number of "subscribers" stands at 1,004, 220 of those unfortunately are on AOL which bounces back our issues. AOL people have two choices to get TENNIS E-News: 1) Go to where you can find issues posted regularly by The Island Packet's Justin Jarrett and 2) go to and click on the TENNIS E-News tab administered by Tim Austin.

TENNIS E-News battled AOL for many months including after being notified by AOL that E-News had achieved "whitelist" status and would not be blocked any more. Never happened. After a couple months more of trying and bouncing, TENNIS E-News gave up. There had been 291 E-News folks on AOL, but at least 70 have dumped AOL or set up other accounts like Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail, etc., in order to receive our issues.

Alas, and for no optimistic reason, TENNIS E-News is going to try again. Tech people tell us: "AOL is impossible to deal with." We're going to try dealing with whatever AOL person answers the phone or email … if indeed anyone answers. The latter has been a problem. Stay tuned.

TENNIS E-News FootNote


( ) "Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple."

( ) -- Anonymous (from Curmudgeon by Jon Winokur in Funny Times)

(___) -- Fry

-- Dennis Malick