Sunday, November 4, 2007

Beautiful Finals Day


Nov. 04, 2007 Vol. VI, No. 117
South Carolina Tennis 2006 Media Award Winner
Hilton Head Island SC


HILTON HEAD ISLAND SC (TENNIS E-News) -- 'Twas a beautiful day for the Hilton Head Island City Championships finals at Port Royal Racquet Club. In addition to courts full of action, TAHHI members enjoyed their annual brunch and filled the stands for what turned out to be a stunning pro exhibition: the Men's Doubles final.

TENNIS E-News has not received results from Saturday or today's matches. The Island Packet's Zach Van Hart did cover the finals and you will find his story in the Monday Sports Section. Way to go, IPack.

We did snitch this from tonight's emailing of Tim Ryan's Chaplin Chatter, listing Chaplin Public Tennis Center players who won the TAHHI championships:

2.5 Men's Singles -- Pascal Fontaine

3.0 Women's Singles -- Valerie Parsons

3.0 Women's Doubles -- Amy Abernathy and Valerie Parsons

Men's Open Singles -- Joe Macdermant

Also from the Chaplin Chatter:

Need a partner for the upcoming Thanksgiving Tourney at Chaplin Public Tennis Center? The event will include singles, doubles and mixed doubles events in 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 and open levels. There is a two-event limit but you are allowed to play in two doubles events. The deadline is Nov. 12. If you need a partner, email with your name, rating, and event that you wish to enter.

Super Senior States:

Men's 60s 2.5s' Final Tuesday on HHI; 70s Start Thursday; 60s Begin Friday on Seabrook Is.

HILTON HEAD ISLAND SC (TENNIS E-News) -- The South Carolina Super Senior 60s Men's 2.5 state championship will pit Sea Pines Falcons against Moss Creek Raging Bulls Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. at Port Royal Racquet Club. Eighteen other HHI league Super Senior teams will be heading for Seabrook Island this weekend.

Having all of South Carolina's organized 2.5 teams on HHIsland prompted the holding of the State Championships here. Sea Pines (Richard Jenkins, captain) defeated Dataw and Moss Creek (David Teschner, captain) beat the Country Club of HH is the first round last week. The winner of Tuesday's match will be eligible for the Southern Sectionals early next year … providing, of course, that somewhere other than Hilton Head Island comes up with some teams.

The 18 other local teams represent Men's and Women's 60s in 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0 ratings and 70s in 3.0 and 3.5. The teams will be among 81 competing from throughout the state. The 70s matches will be Thursday and Friday in group round robins, with semifinals and finals Saturday. The 60s will begin Friday and finish with Sunday semis and finals.

Here are the Hilton Head Island teams heading for States listed with HHI seeding (captain in parentheses):

Super Senior 60s

Men's 3.0 # 1 Sun City Dirt Ballers (Steve Cico)

# 2 Sea Pines Falcons (Dick Sonberg)

#3 Dataw dawgs (Terry Lurtz)

Women's 3.0 #1 Sun City Hot Shots (Jean Bergenthal)

#2 Country Club of Hilton Head Tiebreakers (Carolyn Brookmeyer)

Men's 3.5 #1 Long Cove Super Retreads (Bill Cale)

#2 Spring Lake Ultimate (Dennis Malick)

Women's 3.5 #1 Dataw Dixies (Linda Laiken)

#2 Sun City Alley Kats (Judy Trapp)

Men's 4.0 #1 Port Royal (Alan Zak)

Women's 4.0 #1 Moss Creek Studmuffins (Anne Clemmitt)

#2 Sun Cty Solar Flairs (Cindy Tomlin)

Super Senior 70s

Men's 3.0 #1 Spring Lake Cruisers (Bob Pentz)

#2 Sea Pines Imposters (Bob Hilton)

#3 Sun City Lob Artists (Burt Harding)

Women's 3.0 #1 Sun City Golden Girls (Jean Podgorski)

Men's 3.5 #1 Indigo Run Golden Bear Claws (Don Ross)

Women's 3.5 #1 Port Royal Killer Bees (Catherine Haight)

Locals Get Gold, Silver, Bronze Medals at South Carolina Special Olympics 2007 Fall Games

ANDERSON SC (TENNIS E-News via special correspondent Betty Strathern) -- Special Olympics tennis players from Hilton Head Island won seven gold, eight silver and one bronze medal at the South Carolina Annual Fall games held at the Civic Sports Center in Anderson Friday and Saturday. Of the 800 athletes invited, 75 participated in tennis.

In match play, Shantika Jenkins won gold in singles and doubles; Shakera Smith, Rashawn Young and Wallace Gamble each won silver in singles and gold in doubles, and Meghan Witherly and Steve Cole each won silver in singles and doubles.

In the seven individual skills program, Tanzania Polite and Kurt Zawacki won gold medals; Tim Hall won a silver and Taylor Taber a bronze. In addition, two of our Beaufort Special Olympics tennis players, Yokima White and Bryan Greene, won gold medals.

All the athletes were chosen for their regular attendance at practice sessions, improvement in their skills, positive attitude and dedication to the sport.

TENNIS E-News FootNote


( ) If Florida is "God's Waiting Room", as one bumper sticker proclaims, then

( ) South Carolina -- and especially the Lowcountry coast -- must be "God's Game Room."

(___) -- We just made that up.

-- Dennis Malick

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